Welcome from Holy Family Catholic Community Pastor, Very Rev. Ryan Pruess

As we look to the future, we all have questions. What is to come? What will our world look like? How will we navigate it?

We at Holy Family Catholic Community ask ourselves the same questions about the future of the Catholic Church in Fond du Lac. The presence of the Church has evolved throughout history, but it’s role, even in the darkest of times, has remained: to be the light of Christ in the world, and ensure it continues to shine. 

As you make your plans for the future, we ask that you help us keep this light bright here in Fond du Lac for years to come by supporting our Holy Family Catholic Community Endowment Fund. 

 What will the fund support?


The Fund will serve as a safety net for our parish’s operations, ministries, and services. We will only use the principal of the fund to support our operations when needed, and this usage and allocation is overseen by our Advisory Board, composed of Pastoral and Finance Council members and parishioners. The Catholic Community Foundation, a Milwaukee-based non-profit organization that works with parishes throughout Southeastern Wisconsin to manage and grow their investments, manages the fund. 

Create a plan with Holy Family in mind


As you plan for the future of your finances, we ask that you consider contributing to the future of the Catholic Church in the area with a donation to our Holy Family Endowment Fund. To learn more about how you can donate, please view our Endowment Fund brochure available below.

Want to talk about your plan?

 If you would like to request a meeting or speak with the parish to learn more, please click the button below.