Faith Formation
“School-age children should receive formal and systematic catechesis in a parish-based catechetical program, a Catholic school, or a program of home-based catechesis in which the content of the faith and the experience of Christian life is presented authentically and completely.”
– National Directory for Catechesis
Elementary and Middle School Faith Formation consists of a two-week formal catechetical program in June, attendance at our Continuing Formation Events throughout the school year, and parent attendance at Building Your Domestic Church.
The formal catechetical program is called our Summer Faith Formation Program, which is designed to give each student an encounter with Christ. This program takes place the first two full weeks after schools are done for the year and is for students entering grades 1-8 the following fall. There are two sessions available each day, an AM session from 8:30-11:30 am and a PM session from 12:30-3:30 pm. Both sessions have music class, a brief recess, snack, Reconciliation, opportunity for altar server training, and closing Mass (usually with a Bishop). Registration opens in early March.
We use the curriculum “Be My Disciples” for elementary school, “Encounter” for grade 6, “Altaration” for grade 7, and “Theology of the Body” for grade 8. Families not participating in Catholic School Education should join our Summer Faith Formation Program in June.
This program take place at Sacred Heart School, 678 Western Ave., Fond du Lac, phone: 920-921-0580 ext. 507. If you missed out on Summer Program, please contact our Elementary & Middle School Formation Coordinator.
Continuing Formation Events will be family events offered for the parish at large from September–May that help families live out the liturgical year and Catholic traditions. Formation families will need to attend at least two of these six formative events. A calendar for the year will be available at the Summer Program.
Building Your Domestic Church are monthly sessions for parents providing Church teaching, support, instruction, and witness from other parents about raising your kids in the faith. Last year’s topics included: “Talking with your kids about their bodies.” “How to keep evil out of your home.” “Getting your kids to Heaven – Fostering their vocation.” and “Devoting your family to the Trinity.” Each year’s topics are different and free handouts are always available based on the theme. Session are usually on the second Wednesday of October, November, January, February, and March. See the official calendar for each year’s specifics.
When available, registrations and calendars, are listed on the main Christian Formation page and the Elementary and Middle School Formation Page.
Home-Based Chapter Reflections
If you are a family enrolled in our home-based program, you can access your chapter reflections by clicking here.