

The first step leading to full incorporation with Christ and His Church is baptism. Thus, we cannot celebrate baptism indiscriminately. Parents accept a great deal of responsibility in presenting a child for baptism. They will be the child’s first teachers in the faith. The child has the right to seek from them the best example. With all this in mind, we ask parents to prepare themselves seriously for this privilege. Specifically, they do this by participating in a process aimed at preparing them for the baptism of their child. Prior to baptism, the parents must fulfill two requirements; the first is to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class and the second is that at least one parent needs to be a registered member of our Holy Family Catholic Community.

The Baptismal Preparation Class is offered in English at Holy Family Church. Pre-registration IS necessary for the class (see schedule and registration link below). Both parents are strongly encouraged to attend the class, godparents are welcome to attend also. Please bring any questions that you may have to class, there is no paperwork that you need to bring. A talk with a priest, after the in-person class has been taken. If you have previously taken the class at Holy Family, you will not need to take another class. If you took a class at another Parish, please submit to Michelle at a Baptism class certificate from that Parish.

General Baptism Schedule

This schedule is provided as a guide for determining what might work best for your family. WE HAVE A LIMIT on the number of Baptisms we can offer at each Mass. Please do not share the date and location with family and friends until you have received a confirmation email that your child’s Baptism is on the schedule. Thank you!

First Weekend of the month (Saturday or Sunday)

Sacred Heart
4:00 pm during Mass on Saturday
9:00 am during Mass on Sunday
11:00 am during Mass on Sunday

Holy Family (Spanish/bilingual)
12:00 pm (noon) during Mass on Sunday

Second Weekend of the month (Saturday or Sunday)

St. Mary
7:15 am during Mass on Sunday

Our Risen Savior
10:00 am during Mass on Sunday

St. Peter
4:00 pm during Mass on Saturday

8:30 am during Mass on Sunday

10:00 am during Mass on Sunday

Third Weekend of the Month

Holy Family (Baptism with a Deacon)
4:00 pm am AFTER Mass on Saturday

Holy Family (Spanish/bilingual)
10:00 am on Saturday

Holy Family (Spanish/bilingual)
12:00 pm (noon) during Mass on Sunday

Fourth Weekend of the month (Saturday or Sunday)

Holy Family
4:00 pm during Mass on Saturday
8:00 am during Mass on Sunday
10:00 am during Mass on Sunday

Fifth Weekend of the month

We do not take Baptisms on this weekend


Registration (required)

At least one of the parents of the child to be baptized must be a registered member of Holy Family and show signs of active participation in the parish and worship. Please utilize the Holy Family Parish Registration Form to register as members of our parish, if you are not currently registered. Please be aware that you will be asked to provide information about your Sacraments, including the name of the church (along with the city and state) as well as the date that you received the Sacrament. Most of the other information that you need to provide would be just general contact. If you prefer to meet in person, an appointment will need to be made by calling Michelle Ludtke at the below contact information.

The baptism of children with parents that are not registered at Holy Family (but are registered at another Catholic Parish), can only take place with permission and instruction from the parish of the inquiring family. Permission from their pastor must be given, in writing, to the Holy Family pastor or deacon who is to preside at the baptism. It should be noted that the pastor is obliged to delay baptism in cases where there is little or no practice of faith in the home. In such instances, we will work with the parents until they are ready to provide an acceptable religious environment for the child.

Baptism times and dates vary by parish site, please view the attached schedule. Please contact Michelle to discuss which Mass and date will work best for you. Deacons are ordained by the Archbishop and are commissioned to do baptisms in the same way that our priests baptize.

Please access the Baptism Registration Form online below to sign up your child for Baptism or print off the below form. A reminder that you will need to be registered as members of Holy Family and have plans to or already have attended the Baptismal Preparation Class. Once the form is received, we will schedule your child’s Baptism, and you will receive an email confirmation. Please do not share the date with others until you have received that email confirming that all has been set up.


Baptism Classes Schedule (English)

The Baptismal Preparation Class is offered in English at Holy Family Church. Pre-registration IS NECESSARY for the class; please register using the form below. Both parents are strongly encouraged to attend, godparents are welcome also. Please bring any questions that you may have to class, you do not need to bring any paperwork with you.  *If your child is over the age of 7, please contact Sabina Carter ( for more information before signing up for class.

Classes are usually held on the first Monday of the month, unless noted otherwise, at 6:30-7:30 pm in the Holy Family Board Room (enter the office doors, go to the first hallway and turn left, the conference room is all the way down the hallway on the left-hand side), 271 Fourth Street Way, on the following Mondays:

  • November 4, 2024
  • December 2, 2024
  • January 6, 2025
  • February 3, 2025
  • March 10, 2025 (second Monday of the month)
  • April 7, 2025
  • May 5, 2025
  • June 2, 2025

Pre-registration is required for the classes.

If you have previously taken the class at Holy Family, you will not need to take another class. If you took a class at another Parish, please submit, to Michelle at, a Baptism class certificate from that Parish.


For Godparents

Parents, it is highly recommended that Godparents watch the video “The Gift of Godparents” on Formed so that they are fully prepared for their role in their godchild’s faith life. Please direct them to the link below for instructions on how to watch the video.


Baptism Classes (Spanish)

Si prefieren la clase de Preparación para Baptismo que se presenta en español, favor de contactar a Carmen Valenzuela a para inscribirse para la hora de reunion.

If you prefer the Baptismal Preparation Class that is presented in Spanish, please contact Carmen Valenzuela at to register for a meeting time.

Becoming Catholic

Request your Baptism Certificate

Do you need a copy of our Baptism certificate? Please click here to fill out our Baptism Certificate Request Form. 

If you were baptized before July 2000 in the former parish OR you were baptized at Our Risen Savior or Presentation prior to July 2020, please reach out to Archdiocese of Milwaukee using the link in the form to obtain your baptismal certificate.

If you were not baptized in our parish, please contact the parish where you received the Sacrament to obtain your certificate.
