
Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation, one of the sacraments of initiation, confirms, completes and strengthens graces received at Baptism. Candidates must be at least sixteen years of age (according to the precepts of this Archdiocese), baptized and a recipient of Communion, and in a state of grace. Confirmation sessions are offered during the academic year, and focus on immediate preparation for the sacrament.

Formation for the sacrament includes both proximate and immediate preparation:

  • Proximate: Students are expected to be engaged in ongoing formation throughout high school, including during immediate preparation for Confirmation, either through their parish or parochial school.
  • Immediate: 5 gathered sessions, which include a weekend retreat, highlight living out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in a life of missionary discipleship. Students must also write to the Archbishop to formally request the sacrament.

The Mass of Confirmation is scheduled each year with one of the bishops from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; however in the case that a bishop is unavailable, a delegated priest may take his place.

For those adults that have graduated from high school and who are already joined to Christ in Baptism and the Eucharist in the Catholic faith, the Sacrament of Confirmation deepens and strengthens our relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit.   Adults needing preparation for confirmation will attend classes to ready themselves for the Sacrament which is celebrated during the Easter Season. Please contact the Director of Christian Formation for more information.

Confirmation for High School Students- Christian Formation

Information and Schedules

Confirmation classes for adults who have been baptized and raised Catholic are offered annually