Holy Family Catholic Community to host drive for Afghan refugees

Note: Due to an abundance of clothing donations, we are no longer in need of clothing or stuffed animals. Thank you. 


Over the past few weeks, thousands of Afghan men, women, and children have fled Afghanistan after its political collapse. Now, refugees are arriving at Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy, and it estimated that up to 10,000 may call it their temporary home as the await resettlement in the United States, according to the Department of Defense. 

To help them through this time and transition, Holy Family Catholic Community is hosting a drive of items refugees at Fort McCoy need. All donations can be dropped off the Holy Family Parish Office, 271 Fourth Street Way, through September 13, after which they will quickly delivered to Fort McCoy. Needed items include:

  • New backpacks
  • New sunscreen & bug spray
  • New reusable water bottles
  • iPhone and Android phone chargers
  • Soccer balls
  • Four square balls
  • Bubbles
  • Wiffle balls/bats
  • Baseballs
  • Bats
  • Jump ropes
  • Coloring books
  • Crayons
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Puzzles
  • Pens/colored pencils
  • Construction paper
  • Watercolor paints
  • Sketchpad
  • Chess/checkers/Connect Four
  • Activity books like Sudoku
  • Other easy-to-play items for children