The Holy Family Quilters meet every Tuesday morning from 8:00 to 10:00 am in the St. Mary's Church basement. All the quilts that we make go to the less fortunate people in the area. We also make lap quilts for the area nursing homes. We can use small pieces or yardage of new material to make the tops and clean blankets and mattress pads, also any sewing items. These items can be dropped off at the church office, or call Dorothy, 921-5543, or Catherine, 539-0313 for pick up.
Every Tuesday at St. Mary Church, those in need can get a free to-go meal, canned goods, and hygiene/cleaning items through the Blessed Bites program. Items are available from 4:30 to 5:30 pm - or until meals are gone. All who are in need are welcome. En St. Mary Church, artículos que puedes llevar gratuitos son: productos enlatados y los artículos de cuidado personal / limpieza, están disponibles a través de Blessed Bites los martes de 4:30 a 5:30 pm, hasta agotar existencia.