If you are a member of Holy Family and would like to schedule an event, click here.




Solemnity of All Saints All-Night Vigil

Holy Family Catholic Church 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac

Join us throughout the night from Tuesday, October 31-Wednesday, November 1 as we pray for peace for all nations at our Solemnity of All Saints All-Night Vigil. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place following the 7:00 pm Vigil Mass on Tuesday, October 31 at Holy Family Church, and end with benediction at 6:45 am on Wednesday, November 1 prior to the 7:00 am Mass. Throughout the night, you are welcome to come to Holy Family to adore our Lord. The Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel will remain open at its regularly scheduled hours.


St. Ambrose Men’s Group – That Man is You!

Holy Family Hall - North 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac

You are invited to join dozens of men every Wednesday morning from 5:30 to 7:00 am in the Holy Family North Hall, 271 Fourth Street Way, for Men’s Group beginning September 6, 2023. The St. Ambrose Men’s Group hosts “That Man is You” every Wednesday. The morning includes a full breakfast, a video for the program at 6:00 am, and a small group discussion. That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! This year’s theme is “Worthy of the Call” and will focus on discovering and embracing the call to live a life worthy of the call you have received! No registration is required – you can join at any time! There is a cost of $10 for materials.. . Leader: Mike Frydryk (mfrydryk@kondex.com or 920-602-0155) For more information, visit paradisusdei.org/that-man-is-you.



Sacred Heart Church 200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac