Christian Formation will take place on January, 5, 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

We are planning on having Faith Formation tonight as planned. We are aware that Fond du Lac County has cancelled middle school after school activities. However, since the winter weather advisory ends at 6:00pm tonight and all other events are going forward as planned including all high school sporting events we will still plan on having Faith Formation. 

Please use your best judgement if you are traveling from out of town. 


*To report an absence click here 2021-2022 Absence Form for Grades 1-8 (

*Link to calendar 2021-22 Yearly School Calendar – (

*The new phone number for Sacred Heart School is 920-921-0580 x.507. 



Trisha Zimmerman

Elementary Faith Formation Coordinator

Holy Family Catholic Community

Phone: 920-921-0580 ext. 503