Anyone interested in volunteering for the parish is invited to participate in our Safe Environment Training for all volunteers on Monday, November 21 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at Sacred Heart School, 678 Western Avenue.
Safe Environment Training is a one-time class for all adults age 18 and older that may want to volunteer for anything with minors. We encourage anyone who may at some point be interested in volunteering in the parish to become Safe Environment trained, especially parents who may want to volunteer with activities and programs their children are involved in such as Vacation Bible School, Christian Formation, and retreats. By taking this Archdiocese of Milwaukee-required training, you can have your certification ready for whenever a volunteer opportunity arises.
Once you complete your training and a background check, you will need to be recertified every five years with a shorter review session that at this time can be completed online.
Registration is required for these trainings. Please visit to register today