An event every week that begins at 8:30 am on Thursday, repeating until November 3, 2022
What do we mean when we say “God”?
Misconceptions about God abound, even among Christians, and these misconceptions can become obstacles in our relationship with God. Join Augustine Institute Assistant Professor Dr. Elizabeth Klein for a careful study of Scripture that will lead you to a deeper and clearer awareness of who God is, equipping you to share this truth with others.
Starting in the Old Testament, Dr. Klein presents what God says about himself at various points in salvation history, and how he revels to Israel that “the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). Moving to the New Testament, Dr. Klein shows how this one God then reveals himself as three. Along the way you’ll get answers to questions such as, How can God be transcendent and personal? If God is one, how can Jesus be God? What does it mean that “God is love” (1 John 4:8)? Why is the doctrine of the trinity the central mystery of our faith when the word “Trinity” never appears in the Bible?
Produced from our state-of-the-art studios, this dynamic program combines an in-depth biblical study with insightful questions, an explanation of common misunderstandings regarding God, and personal reflections that will strengthen your faith in the one true God, who is a communion of three Divine Persons.